Hi, I'm Livvy.

Since I was a child, my mind has been buzzing with art and creative ideas. But growing up in a rural town made it tough to find support for a fashion career. As I entered adulthood, my dreams of having my own fashion brand started to fade. I found myself drifting through unfulfilling jobs, sometimes even forgetting about my dreams entirely.

Why textile jewelry, you may wonder?

Well, it all started by chance one day. I stumbled upon macrame and textile jewelry and instantly fell head over heels. It was everything I had been searching for – a realm of endless possibilities to create statement pieces that didn't feel like recycled styles. I adore the thrill of mastering new techniques and crafting unique wearable art. My ultimate goal is to design jewelry that makes you feel like you've discovered something truly one-of-a-kind and stylish.

Throughout my own challenges, I've developed a deep desire to support and encourage young people who, like me, lacked self-confidence and much-needed support. I don't regret my past, but rather, I aspire to inspire others to kickstart their careers in fashion, jewelry, or art. No more waiting – let's dive in!

When you support Fera Fox, you are supporting a small WOC-owned business with VERY big dreams! 
I appreciate you!


Other team members:

Office Manager


Quality Control
